Gordon Davis Park

WWll Memorial Shop
Vet Services

Gordon Davis Park, located next to Highway 26 in downtown Guernsey. This park offers a playground, band shelter, horseshoe pits, picnic tables/shelters, Free WiFi and plenty of mature shade trees for hot summer days. The park hosts many events during the summer months, including, Duck Daze, Farmer's Markets, Concerts, Movies and much more. The park is available to the community for events and is free of charge, call Town Hall at 836-2335 to make a reservation.

The Park also features the Historic Plaza. The Plaza was created to highlight the Oregon Trail and Pony Express. Marked with bronze medallions, the trail wander through the park as a miniature Oregon Trail with native landscaping. The trail gives visitors a glimpse into Guernsey's past as they read about the important events and places in our history. The Guernsey Visitor Center and Museum is located on the southwest end of the park and showcases the communities heritage. The Museum houses a life size picture of the Oregon Trail Ruts, located just south of town and many artifacts from the Guernsey Area.

Gordon Davis Park has been upgraded over the years using grant funds, donations, and volunteers. Thank you to everyone that has helped make our town beautiful!
