

Each year The Airport Manager applies for a Grant from WYDOT Aeronautics to have what is called an Aviation Encouragement Event. As the name of the Grant would imply the Grant fund is meant to encourage aviation, We at the Town of Guernsey choose to use this funding to provide the community with a day of fun and FREE Airplane rides (for kids) and to show the community what is and has been going on at the Guernsey Airport.

The Fly-In for 2017 is being "Eclipsed". With much sadness we must inform all of those who look forward to and enjoy the annual fly-in at the Guernsey Municipal Airport that the planned date and scheduling needs regarding safety for the fly-in and the date of and the anticipated number of the people coming to Guernsey to view the Eclipse, we are unable to properly schedule and prepare for the fly-in the way that everyone has become accustomed to.